Pioneering renewables in
coal and cattle country

Overview & SUmmary

Located approximately 12 km east of Moura and 6km south-west of the township of Banana, the project will be centered around the installation and ongoing maintenance of a solar farm that will cover an area of approximately 203 hectares. Expected to have a 30–50-year life span once construction has been completed, the solar farm will be comprised of an array of solar PV modules, steel racking and piled supports, internal access tracks, an electrical operations room, substation, perimeter fencing, and an adequate buffer between sensitive receptors provided by setback and landscape planting. To minimise disturbance, the solar panels will either be piled or screwed into the ground, which will eliminate the need for a concrete foundation. Placed on a single axis, the proposed structures will slowly track the horizontal movement of the sun for optimal energy generation and will approximately be 2 m above the natural ground level. Connecting to the Moura Substation via an overhead line, the electricity collected by the solar panels will be converted from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) electricity, which will then be fed into the Powerlink switchyard where it will then travel to the Substation.

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